In the brick-and-mortar work world, people are often celebrated with parties, awards, or raises. But as entrepreneurs, we have to intentionally celebrate ourselves. Sometimes, that means celebrating big business wins. When things don’t go as planned, it means celebrating the lessons we learned through that experience.
When we rewire our brains to focus on and celebrate the positives, we keep ourselves from spiraling into negative self-talk that can hold us back. In their birthday episode, Pam and Teri talk about how we can find things, big and small, to celebrate in our businesses.
What wins can you celebrate in your business? What celebration rituals do you practice? Comment below and let us know!

What We Talked About
- Happy birthday, Teri and Pam! [00:00]
- Rewiring our brains to celebrate the positives in our businesses [00:50]
- Different celebration rituals that businesses use [03:40]
- Celebrating the lessons rather than focusing on the outcome [08:16]
- How Teri and Pam are celebrating their birthdays [14:12]
- What Pam and Teri are celebrating in their businesses [15:57]
- Finding a community to celebrate your wins together [17:29]
- Big deals don’t have to be big: How to find things to celebrate [22:08]
- Birthday cake or birthday pie? [23:32]

Key Insights
- “In order to rewire our brains to not be constantly expecting negative consequences or negative things to happen, we need to really focus on what are those positive things, big or small, and celebrate them in whatever way feels best to you.” – Pam.
- “That’s what we wanted to talk to you about was just about figuring out something–a way that you can celebrate. I think that it is about, instead of moving so fast to the next thing, isn’t it about stopping and realizing where you’re at and where you’ve come?” – Teri
- “That’s our goal for everybody listening: to celebrate, and to celebrate the people around you, and to look at the small in your business, not just the big.” – Teri
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