About Pam

You’re in the right place if:

  • You’re a driven business owner, service provider, or coach in midlife and you know that, yes, we have some unique needs that aren’t addressed in conventional coaching programs.
  • You know it would be easy to lose your mental, physical, and spiritual health, your relationships, and, even, yourself if you keep pushing so hard.
  • You’re ready to take your business to the next level but struggle to break through and to navigate the growth alongside everything else that’s happening in your life – family obligations, health concerns, and life’s transitions.

Our holistic approach to business is designed to help you grow your reach and your profits without losing yourself (or your soul) in the process.

We’re here to help you build your business in alignment with your Divine design…operating in authenticity, living out your values, navigating the messy bits of business, and nourishing your body, soul and spirit along the way.

Hey there, I’m Pam!

i’m on a mission to help women live free by building sustainable, life-giving businesses they won’t, one day, want to run away from.

Building a business and life you love takes strategy, intention, self-awareness, and alignment between personality, purpose, and God’s divine plan.

Most coaching programs will bring you the step-by-step how-tos, and that’s important, but they leave so much opportunity (and money) on the table for their clients. But not here.

I am passionate about helping you achieve real growth in business and in life by addressing strategy, self, and spirit to nurture a business that thrives and creates impact for years to come.

distractions ignored
naps taken
thoughts reframed

Here’s the deal…

In the past few years, I’ve watch a multitude of successful, high-impact online business owners close down shop, let go of their team, walk away from their customers, lose their marriages, and, even, end up in in-patient treatment. I don’t want that for you.

I’ve heard from hundreds of midlife business owners who have spent exorbitant amounts of time and energy with programs that have left them feeling unseen, unheard, and under-served. Life over 40 can bring challenges and responsibilities that add to the already overwhleming task of building a business that lasts – and the financial risks increase year after year – you just don’t have time to mess around.

I recognize that ignoring our physical, mental, and spiritual needs as we build and scale a business can have grave consequences. To create businesses that are both prosperous and sustainable over the long haul, it is critical that we care for all areas of our lives. By doing so, we can build purpose-driven businesses we are passionate about while also living life to the fullest.

Our Mission

To unleash the power of midlife business women through holistic strategies including community, faith and psychology-based business and life coaching, and strategic collaborations that nurture the business, the body, the mind, and the spirit.

i’ve been where you are now

My Story

I’m the founder Journeys of Hope Counseling and Crochetpreneur® and I’ve been helping women heal since 2007 and build profitable businesses since 2017. Over the years I’ve helped hundreds of women navigate their stories, heal trauma, and find peace and coached thousands of creative business owners build thriving creative businesses. Now, I’m bringing that expertise to you hear at Pamela Grice Coaching

But it wasn’t always like this. Back in 2005, I was a single mom working a 5 AM – 2 PM shift in a computer support position at a big local ministry. It was an okay job, but I didn’t feel like I was being true to myself. I was trying to be helpful, but I was afraid to be vulnerable and authentic and to be seen.

Finding Purpose

So, I started seeing a Christian counselor to work through some childhood trauma and heal from my failed marriages. And boy, did God work some BIG miracles in a short time! Within months, I was sharing my story at churches and small groups, and random strangers would sit down next to me and say, “God told me to come talk to you,” and then share their most difficult stories.

When those strangers started referring their friends to me, I knew it was time to get some professional training. So, I went back to school and earned a graduate degree in counseling at Colorado Christian University. Since then, I’ve worked in private practice specializing in women’s issues like sexual abuse, adultery, spiritual abuse, codependency, and more.

Moving Forward

Then, just for fun, I found myself turning my hobby as a crochet artist into a business and, in 2017, into a business coaching empire – I’ve helped over 100K crochet business owners turn yarn into money!

But, being a big fish in a small pond feels a lot like hiding under a bushel, and some wise friends have confirmed that God is calling me to serve a wider audience (that’s you!) with both the growth and healing strategies and business systems that I’ve practiced and taught through the years.

So, as your mentor and biggest cheerleader, I can’t wait to share with you the tried and tested approach I’ve used to help thousands of creative business owners to make more money. And I can’t wait to share this more holistic side of running a business in alignment with your faith and your Divine design.

Our Vision

what makes us different from the other coaching programs out there?

At Pamela Grice Coaching, we believe that everyone has a unique purpose and creative drive that reflects God’s image. We help heart-centered, midlife Christian entrepreneurs break free from patterns that keep them stuck and overwhelmed, so they can pursue their goals without sacrificing their health or relationships.

Our mission is to create a lifelong community for mission-driven entrepreneurs who want to grow profitable businesses and make a positive impact on the world. We offer individual and group coaching, workshops, courses, masterminds, and more. Our programs combine Bible-based spiritual formation, self-reflection, psychology, leadership development, wellness practices, and nervous system regulation to help us develop as individuals and business owners, and foster freedom for ourselves and those we serve.

Join us and find a place to belong, where you feel seen, heard, and celebrated as you live out your divine purpose. It’s not always easy, but with our support, you can seek, find, and endure on the path you were called to.

The Rules We Live By

Ready to get started?

Work With Me

Check our our Services, Resources, and All-the-Things pages to learn how we might work together. Then, be sure to get in touch if you have any further questions.

Meet the Team

Who We’re Supporting in 2023

The Exodus Road
On the front lines of the fight to end human trafficking.

We disrupt the darkness of modern-day slavery by partnering with law enforcement to fight human trafficking crime, equipping communities to protect the vulnerable, and empowering survivors as they walk into freedom.

the refuge of colo spgs
providing a refuge for the oppressed in times of trouble

On a mission to provide support, counseling, ministry, healing, and safe harbor for individuals who have experienced any type of abuse or who are trapped in traumatic situations and abused lives.

envisioning a world where all people hold the power to improve their lives

Providing small loans female entrepreneurs around the world which are then repaid and paid forward to create even more impact, help more families, and provide financial opportunities for women in underserved communities.