Previously, we’ve talked about the five love languages (or perhaps we could call them 5 work languages) and how they translate to our business and personal relationships. Today, we’re chatting with Dr. Elizabeth Rosner (AKA Dr. Roz). She practices unconditional love as an author, speaker, and a Nonviolence365® Certified Trainer. In her life, as well as her many businesses, she practices love intentionally.
It comes down to, it’s a choice. And it’s something that you need to practice day in, day out, so that when you have those hard times, you’ve got all this other practice that is this neural pathway of, ‘I’m to choose the path of love.’
dr. Roz of Love Revolution
This episode is packed with insights from Dr. Roz. We talk about everything from preventing the burden of student loan debt (in itself, a form of violence), to balancing the demands of several businesses, and even a little bit about Georgia football. But the connecting thread through all of it is that love is a choice that you make every day
We’d love to hear from you. Comment and tell us one thing you do to practice love every day.

Dr. Roz on How to Love Intentionally In Every Area of Your Life
What we Talked About
- [00:00] Introducing Dr. Roz: Living a life of unconditional love
- [07:30] How unconditional love plays out in family Life
- [10:08] Loving your work team intentionally
- [12:58] Strategies to balance the demands of entrepreneurship
- [19:04] DebtFreeDegree: Loving youself enough to graduate college without loans
- [26:46] It’s all nonviolence: Dr. Roz’s work through The King Center
- [30:37] Free time? Building a life where you love everything you do (and also a little Georgia football)
- [35:28] What to do when love is hard: Choosing the path of love
- [42:17] Enneagram Personality Types and how those affect our relationships
- [46:16] This or that (throwback to Christmas): Real or fake Christmas tree?
Dr. Elizabeth Rosner – Dr. Roz
Dr. Roz sees her life’s work as spreading the message of nonviolence to as many people as she can. Her work in this area happens in two arenas.
One of these is her work with The King Center in Atlanta, where she is one of 14 Nonviolence365® Certified Trainers in the entire world. Dr. Roz is also the Special Projects Manager for the program, which embodies Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s six principles of nonviolence. She teaches the program at schools, businesses, and other groups.
She also promotes Nonviolence through her company, DebtFreeDegree. Believing that the burden of student loan debt is a form of violence against young people just starting life, she provides alternatives that allow them to get the education they want without taking on crushing debt.
She loves her work and would still do it, even if she never needed to make another dime. But when she does have free time, she’s a devoted fan of the Georgia Bulldogs and has devoted a whole wall (pictured below) to her favorite team.

Insights from Dr. Roz About Living from a Place of Love
“Sometimes love can be difficult. And I think the world gave me the message that it wasn’t going to be sustainable, that it wasn’t appropriate, that it was something that needed to be siloed. In the course of entrepreneurship–and my overarching company’s name is Love Revolution–I’ve realized that not only can it not be or should it not be compartmentalized. It should be in every single facet.”
“If you decide that love is an emotion, then it is very hard because it’s very conditional. But when you decide that love is intellectual, that it’s intentional, that it’s a choice–so we’ve moved from that heart space to your head space–then it’s super easy.”
“My definition of love is: Let Others Voluntarily Evolve. So it’s meeting people where they are, saying, ‘I see you. I see that that’s where you are. I love you for where you are.’ And then, ‘How are we going to have this relationship?”
Dr. Roz on Choosing the Path of Love in Your Business
“In terms of my team, I do think it’s really important to call out when somehting is excellent and when something is well. But I do that with cashiers. I do that with wait staff. So it’s not that it’s segmented. It’s not that I have a little tickbox that says, ‘Did I thank somebody today?’ I just try to show up in a space of thankfulness.”
“Anything that I can do asychronously is phenomenal. For example, when I discovered that I can schedule emails. So if I’m going to meet with somebody, I can say, ‘Yes, here’s Zoom link. Super excited to see you next Wednesday at 9:00.’ Then I will copy that and immediately say, ‘Reply,’ and schedule it for Tuesday afternoon at 5:00, ‘Hey, I’ll see you in the morning at 9:00.”
“Yes, I’m organized. But I have these amazingly brilliant people around me.”
“I have this metric of if I didn’t have to work, if it wasn’t about the money, what are the things that I would not do? I can look at my calendar today and think if I was independenmtly wealthy, where I didn’t have to make another dime, every single thing that’s on my calendar, I would still do because I love it. – Dr. Roz
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