Today, we’re talking about Steal Like an Artist by Austin Kleon. This book may be small, but it’s packed with though-provoking insights that can help you find inspiration, break through creative block, and bring light to the world around you.
Listen in as we share our impressions of the book and how you can apply it to your life and business as a creative entrepreneur.
We would love to hear from you. What is your favorite idea from Steal Like an Artist? What other books would you recommend to creative people? Comment below and and let us know!

All About Books: Pam & Teri Talk About Steal Like an Artist by Austin Kleon
Topics Covered
- Welcome and introduction to Steal Like an Artist by Austin Kleon [00:00:00]
- Steal like an artist – being inspired without copying or imitating [00:01:14]
- Write the book you want to read – creating from a place of vulnerability [00:04:37]
- How to use the ideas in this book – using each section as a prompt [00:08:03]
- Use Your Hands – Create intentional time away from your desk as a way to refresh your brain [00:09:00]
- Be Nice: The World is a Small Town – Spread kindness, not darkness or neutrality, in difficult situations [00:12:21]
- Pam & Teri’s impressions of Steal Like An Artist [00:16:37]
- This or That? – Creativity inside or out? [00:19:23]

Key Insights
- “Writing like this is writing in a non-google atmosphere. We can google pretty much anything in this world. You can google “how does a person feel going through a situation but you can’t really be inside somebody’s heart, and thoughts, and experiences … And I was thinking about that when I read that. That’s the kind of book you want to write.” – Teri
- “Basically, it’s like you’re taking your insides and making them visible. and you open yourself up to, judgment criticism, all of that. so nothing’s more vulnerable than that, i think” – Pam
- “Create away from your desk. Design your day. Write down your thoughts. Create whatever it is that you’re going to be working on today. Create it at your analog space … Go to your analog space, write down everything in a notebook. And then, when you have all of your ideas settled, bring them to your computer because once you’re at your computer, your brain is just going to work differently than it does when you’re away from your computer.” – Pam
- “I think our brains get really in knots over the kind of work we do in today’s world. [Being creative] just kind of loosens it up to be able to think about different parts of business or life that you might be struggling with.” – Teri
- “The world is a small town, right? So we never know who knows who and so it’s best to use our creativeness to say something nice to somebody, even if we aren’t thinking that down deep, because it’s not fun to walk this world and not be kind to each other.” – Teri
Additional Resources
- Steal Like an Artist: 10 Things Nobody Told You About Being Creative
- Show Your Work!: 10 Ways to Share Your Creativity and Get Discovered
- Keep Going: 10 Ways to Stay Creative in Good Times and Bad
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